Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dog Health Questions: What's so bad about the Dog Whisperer?

If he's so abusive and bad and not right in any sense. Then why do so many people look up to him and why does he have is own show? I honestly look up to him and his methods work on my dog. I feel really upset or just confused and sad because I really thought I was doing the right thing with my dog. I think dog training is an essential, but I felt as if he was really in tune and has a gift. What do you people think? Why is he SO bad?

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Recommended Answer:
He's not abusive. I've never seen him hit a dog, or treat a dog in an abusive way. He will tug on their leash if they start to lunge, but that's what everyone else does, as well, and i don't feel it's an aggressive method.... he doesn't tug so hard as to hurt the dogs in any way, and hasn't killed a dog yet. And i've never seen him raise his voice or yell. In fact, he says very little.

I like his methods, and i think they work.

Maybe people think it's abusive because the Dog Whisperer expects the PEOPLE he helps to change their attitudes and behaviors from anxiety ridden, and subservient to calm, relaxed and in a leader-state-of-mind? Many people are adverse to change.

I don't know, why anyone would say Cesar Millan is abusive -- from what i've seen of him, he's probably one of the most stable people on earth.

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  • I dont think hes abusive. I think the humane society is just b*tching for the sake of b*tching.

  • CM isn't a bad person. He does what he thinks is right to help dogs and he has been using newer methods.

    The pack leadership, domiance theory is out dated and proven wrong though.

    I like to watch animals. I've gotten to the point where I can read them pretty well. In my opinion, CM stresses a lot of the dogs out and scares them into obeying.

    To me, that's the wrong route to take. There are better options out there.

  • He is? Never heard that before. I think he generally does well... though his voodoo talk about "energies" are kinda creepy.

    Also the dominance theory is not outdated. It works 100% when applied correctly, unless the dog has something else wrong with them.
    The thing is people are so sensetive about their dogs now, and those creepy animal welfare groups are getting their way more and more often.

  • My BIGGEST issue with Caesar is that people watch a half hour EDITED TV show and think they know how to train a dog.
    People don't bother to learn about the actual theories of why these methods should or should not be used.
    You can't possibly learn everything you need from a TV show.
    As for his books, I have not read any so I won't comment.

    People need to consider the source. Like I said, it is an TV show edited for ratings. It is very easy to leave things on the cutting room floor or not air you not so successful methods.

    Do I hate Caesar? No. He obviously does have a way with dogs regardless. He also promotes many good things, like exercise, discipline and affection and not treating your dog like a human. I have even used some of his ideas.
    Do I think he is the God everyone else thinks he is? No. If you learn about dog body language and watch the show with the sound off, you see a different story. I don't agree with all of his methods, like flooding (when the dog was scared of the slippery floor).

    I haven't seen Victoria Stillwell yet. Dying to though.

    You are never going to find one method of training that everyone agrees on. There is no right or wrong way. Do what works for your dog and what you are comfortable with.

  • People are just starting to say he is bad because of the new training methods that are coming around.

    Millan tends to believe in the theory of pack dominance and the human being the alpha. His belief is that you have to show your dog who is boss by dominating him. A lot of people have a problem with the way he seems to "dominate" his dogs. I personally don't have a problem with this, but I can see some dogs that it just would not work with, especially older dogs.

    Victoria Stillwell is one of the people out there using the newer methods involving only positive training. This is what clicker training is based upon, catching the dog doing the wanted behavior and rewarding it at the correct time to increase the chance of them doing it again. She also uses distractions such as loud sounds and removal techniques. She never tries to dominate the dogs as she believes it causes more aggressive behavior.

  • I haven't watched any CM (live in Aus and it isn't aired here) but I believe that one method of training is not the be all and end all for all dogs.

    What one person's methods to train their dog, may not work for mine. One of my dogs in particular has a "what's in it for me?" mindset, so some of the softer ways of training would not work with him, whereas my other dog is very mild mannered, so harsher methods wouldn't be for him.

    CM's way of training isn't bad, it just may not work for all dogs.

  • I agree, Cesar isn't cruel. He treats dogs like dogs because they ARE dogs & that's what they expect. Nothing wrong with cherishing your dog like a member of the family but you can't baby them or else they could try to dominate the people in the family & that causes behavioral problems like not listening, aggression, etc. Trust me, I absolutely love my Dobie & it's very hard not to spoil him, but when I fall off the wagon & give in he gets naughty.

  • I love Cesar. Victoria Stillwell I have a problem with. I don't know she just rubs me the wrong way.

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