Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dog Health Questions: I switched my dogs training pad brand?

i switched from four paws wee wee pads to arm and hamor home alone pads. he hasnt gone on them yet, does he not like them? the four paws wee wee pads were so expensive. how do i get him to go on the new ones

Teach Your Dog (And Yourself) Some New Tricks With Online Dog Training Programs

Recommended Answer:
He may not like the smell
You never can really tell
Or maybe they feel bad on his feet
Remember, puppy pee isn't sweet
Slowly switch him over
Enjoy your dog
Is his name Clover

Dog Training Supplies - Dog Collars

  • No matter which Puppy Pads you buy, they are all Utter Rubbish !!!! They teach you're dog that it's Okay to pee&poop in the house. If you want to potty train you're puppy properly.. Next time he has an accident in the house, say "NO" and put him outside, he will learn that if he needs the toilet, he has to go outside. (:

  • How about throwing all the pads out and teaching him to go outside instead.

  • Why are you encouraging your dog to pee in the house? Those training pads are for accidents- not for actually teaching them! You are supposed to take him outside so that he knows to go outside! Teaching a dog to use a pad is teaching him it's okay to go in the house, it doesn't matter that it's on a pad. The dog will pee outside if you take him out often and praise and reward him when he pees. If he is taken out every hour and after every meal and you wait until he goes to reward, he will be house trained in a matter of days.

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